Monday, November 3, 2014

My Very First Photo-Shoot Experience

I had my first photo-shoot ever. 
Let me share my experience:
First and foremost I was terrified. I had never met the model or the photographer before. 
And naturally I am a nervous reck! 
I feel when you decide to network with people your research! 
Stalk their social networks, stalk their friends make sure you're meeting the person you are meeting.
Give your loved ones the location. And contact them to let them know you're safe.
 Also have faith in God that he will protect you. 
On to the actual shoot.. 
So I had previously contacted the model about the look she wanted. 
I think this step is important so you know to bring the right palette. 
She wanted glitter and naturally I don't travel with glitter. So it was a good thing I talked to her ahead of time. 
I went to the location where I would do her makeup giving myself extra time to get there. 
I arrived 20 minutes early.
That gave me time to set up and get to know the model. 
I love knowing about people and their lives.. I talk a lot! 
With the actual application it took me an hour. 
I chose not to set the makeup with a translucent setting powder. 
I was so scared that it will leave a white cast so I chose not just set with spray. 
I'm so happy with my decision the pictures came out so beautiful. 
I made sure to talk to the photographer to see if the photos were coming out good on camera. 
I had the time of my life. 
Networking is an awesome thing! 
xoxo Lanna's Detour 

Follow Them On IG: 
Model: @crystalthegem 
Photographer: @waitaphoto