Monday, September 15, 2014

Back To School Essential: College Edition

You're never to old to prepare for the first day of school.
And all though school started weeks ago I decided to show you my school essentials. 

My iPad. It's very important for me to have it and it's not as heavy as my laptop. It allows me to view internet information such as power points without having such a small screen like my phone. 

Head Phones. And this is only essential to me because to stay sane during a school day you need to turn up the volume. Tune into your favorite song and relax for a few. 

A STURDY bag. Im a nursing student and my text book is the weight of a baby. You need a bag to hold all your goodies inside and not break in the middle of the hall! 

And as always stay organized. A planner can save your life and I stand by that. Jot down everything in it. I write when bills are due, work schedule, assignments and planned events. 
xoxo Lanna's Detour